Here, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions. If you don't find an answer here, you should try to ask it in our forum or by contacting us directly at info [at] noveltrove [dot] com.

What is Noveltrove? What is our philosophy?
We want to create a platform for readers and writers who simply enjoy erotic stories. What we hope sets us apart from others is that we put emphasis on your privacy and quality content.

How is Noveltrove different from other sites?
-   Our site is completely free to use and always will be. You can read and publish stories for free. Sign up here.
-   Our site is free from distracting or odd advertisements.
-   We also do not track you, or try to spy on you. It may sound a bit overblown, but we believe that your privacy is your dignity. Thus, it should exclusively belong to you.

Is Noveltrove free to use?
Yes, Noveltrove is completely free for you to use and always will be. You can read as many stories as you want and you can also post as many stories as you wish, all for free.

Do you collect my data to make money?
No we do not. For more information, see our Terms and Conditions -> As to the Privacy.

Can I post a story?
Yes, you can post a story (for free), after registration. You can sign up here for free.

What are the guidelines for publishing a story on Noveltrove?
You can find the guidelines in our Publishing Guide here. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask in our forum or by writing us a mail.

Do I retain the full ownership of my stories if I publish it on Noveltrove?
Yes. As an author you retain full ownership and copyright of all your stories.

Can I add my copyright to my stories?
Yes. Please paste your copyright directly into the body (=story text) of your story. We are working on a solution that you don't have to add it manually and hope to have it ready for you soon.

Where can I sign up?
You can register an account here. No worries, it is completely free.

What can I use as a username?
Your real name or a pseudo name that is not too outrageous. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to pose as someone else.

Can I volunteer?
Yes, and we would be very grateful. Please contact us at info [at] noveltrove [dot] com and tell us how you would like to contribute.

Does Noveltrove pay for stories?
We do not pay for stories; still we would say it pays off to publish your stories on our website. You get feedback from our readers, and you can publish stories using your pen name. Feel free to insert the link for your personal website, in your biography. This alone should help grow your following. If you are looking for money, we plan to hold contests from time to time, where the winner gets a small sum.

Are there any stories you reject?
Noveltrove does not publish any stories that deal with underage characters, violence, incest or bestiality. Also, we do not publish stories we think do not fit into the Noveltrove selection. You can find more information about our publishing guidelines here.

I have found material on your site which was published without the consent of the owner. How can I report it?
We do our best to avoid any copyright infringements, but it is possible that we have overseen a misconduct by one of our members. Please report copyright infringements by email to info [at] noveltrove [dot] com. We will do our best to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Can I delete my stories?
Yes. For a story to be deleted, please contact us at info [at] noveltrove [dot] com. Please let us know which story you want to be deleted and we will do it as fast as possible.

Can I delete my account?
Yes. For your account to be deleted, please contact us at info [at] noveltrove [dot] com. We will do it as fast as possible.

Where can I find more information about Noveltrove?
If you want to learn more about us, you can find it here.

Where can I find you on social media?
If you want to hook up with us on social media, you find us on twitter , facebook and tumblr. Let's connect! :)

I want to contact Noveltrove. How can I do this?
You can contact us at info [at] noveltrove [dot] com. We will do our best to answer your email as quickly as possible.

Last update: June 04, 2017