Ophiocordyceps unilateralis

23 Oct. '19
Open Talk

Not wanting to scare you, but have you ever heard about Ophiocordyceps unilateralis ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis ) ? Haha, I know there are easier words to pronounce. Let's just call it Ophi. Ophi is a fungus that infects ants and "remote controls" them. Infected ants turn into "zombie ants" and search for a place that has the right growing condition for the fungus, and then dies there. But the story is not over. The fungus grows from the ant's head, press on the link above (it's wikipedia) to see how that looks like. I for one am glad to not be an ant, working hard all day&night, and then that ;)

(Posted Jan 15, 2018)