Carpe Diem, Seize The Day!

23 Oct. '19
Open Talk

Hi folks,

I'm glad to have joined this interesting forum. Here is what I came across today, "Carpe Diem":

Carpe Diem is a Latin phrase that means "seize the day," encouraging people to embrace and make the most of their time and their day. Many of us have trouble staying in and enjoying the present moment, really appreciating what we have today. We are either regretting something we did or didn’t do yesterday or we are worried about what will happen tomorrow. Because we are distracted we miss out on the most important moments and that is the moment of right now. Since none of us are promised tomorrow and all we really have for sure is today, my question to you is how good are you at staying in the present moment? Do you tend to worry about yesterday or what is to come tomorrow or do you enjoy the present with all of the surprises, gifts and rewards it brings? Have you ever accomplished anything positive by regretting what you didn’t do in the past or by worrying about the future?

(Posted Aug 16, 2016)