Authors, please read the submission guidelines

Recently, there have been several stories submitted for publication on Noveltrove  that had to be rejected for violation of the Noveltrove Publishing Guide.  The guide is simply written and easy to understand, but it appears some writers do not take the trouble to find out what is allowed and what is not.

The first category is partial stories with a link to another site for the rest.  

The statement in the Noveltrove Publishing Guide is this.

We know being an author is not always easy and getting a bit more attention doesn't hurt. Thus we would like to stress that you, as a professional author, are welcome to promote yourself and your website on Noveltrove. You can do this in your profile by writing a bio and by posting a link. What we don't like and will not publish are half finished stories, with a note to 'read more' on your website. This would be frustrating for our users, who expect entire stories on our website. Therefore, please refrain from such a practice.

There have been almost a dozen recently submitted stories that consisted of a few paragraphs as a “teaser” and then a link to a well-known site where you buy an electronic copy of the story.  There’s nothing wrong with attempting to sell your work, but the right way is to explain you have stories for sale in the “about” section of your page and to post the link there.

The second category is stories of non-consensual sex and other sex acts that Noveltrove will not publish.  Again, the Noveltrove Publishing Guide is very easy to understand, but perhaps some more explanation might help.

Strictly: We don't publish stories with characters under 18 years old, bestiality, blood-related incest, reluctance and force.

In the past, Arti has published at least a couple of stories where the sex didn’t start out in a manner most of us would consider to be “consensual” but there was an explanation written into the first paragraph of the stories.  The explanation was along the order of “I wasn’t sure I wanted to, but when it was happening, I loved it.  This is the story about how that happened”.  That’s a far cry from writing about how you planned to rape your neighbor, even if you say at the end that you think he or she liked the experience.  

Bestiality applies to sex with real animals, and any story with animals included in sex acts anywhere in the story will be rejected.  Yes, tentacle porn has a following, but Noveltrove won’t publish your tentacle porn story.  

It’s OK for your guy or girl to have sex with a one-horned, one-eyed, flying, purple people eater though.  The last time I checked, purple people eaters, whether they have horns or not, no matter how many eyes they have, and even if they can’t fly have never been identified as native to Earth.  

It’s also OK if you’re writing about “furries”, people who enjoy the fetish of dressing up as animals and then having sex while costumed.  Rocky, the raccoon, can hump Vixie, the red hot fox, all day long.

Blood-related incest means sex between any two people who share a bloodline and includes mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews.  It might surprise some that several stories along this line have been submitted to Noveltrove.  

It is acceptable to write stories about sex between stepparents and their stepchildren.  Your guy can seduce his really hot stepmother or stepsister and vice versa.  Just make sure you explain they’re not blood related, preferably at the start of the story.

The ban on stories with a character under 18 years of age means the story can’t have that character engaged in any way in a sexual act.  It’s fine to include a character under 18 in a story as long as they become 18 or older before appearing in any sex act to include exhibitionism, voyeurism and presence during the act.

New authors, please read the Publishing Guide.  It will save you a lot of frustration when you submit that story and then never see it on the site.